Answered By: Darcy Gervasio Last Updated: Aug 13, 2024 Views: 1018
Purchase College students and faculty can borrow materials from the following libraries:
1. Manhattanville College Library
2. Other SUNY campus libraries
4. Westchester County Public Libraries
5. Passes to Other New York Libraries
1. Manhattanville College Library
Purchase College librarians have worked closely with the librarians at Manhattanville to arrange for reciprocal borrowing. That means that you can walk into the Manhattanville College Library and take out a book using a current and valid Purchase College ID (MORE Card). You can also use their study spaces, periodicals, and computers, although Manhattanville students take first priority if it is busy. This service is available Monday-Friday 9am to 8pm and Sundays 12pm to 5:30pm. See Manhattanville's Library hours for current hours of operation.
To use electronic resources, such as databases, at Manhattanville Library, you must first speak to a Purchase College librarian who will fill out a referral card on your behalf. This ensures that Manhattanville's librarians can prepare for your visit. To request a referral card, please call 914-251-6410, email, or visit the Reference Desk in person.
Be sure to have two IDs (one being your Purchase College ID) with you at all times.
To determine if Manhattanville has materials you need, check the Manhattanville Library Catalog (Quick Search). If you have any questions, contact the Manhattanville Reference desk at 914-323-5282.
Directions to Manhattanville College Campus:
Take a right when leaving the Purchase campus onto Anderson Hill Road & continue straight.
Take a left at the second light onto Route 120 (Purchase St.)
Manhattanville will be on the right
Present your current and valid Purchase College ID to obtain a parking pass (be sure to mention that you are there to use the library)
You can take the BeeLine bus #12.
For schedule information, call
914-682-2020 or
914-682-4364 (for the hearing impaired)
or see the bus schedules and maps from
2. SUNY campus libraries
SUNY students, faculty, and staff can check out materials at other SUNY libraries using your Purchase College ID (MORE Card), but you should call ahead to be sure the material you want is available. Remember that you need only do this if you are visiting another library in person. Otherwise, you can place an Interlibrary Loan request through the Discovery Search and pick up materials delivered from other libraries at the Purchase College Library Circulation Desk.
- To see materials held at other SUNY Libraries, search the Library's Discovery Search and select SUNY/CUNY Catalog as the search scope.
- Check the "Get It From Other Institutions" section to see which SUNY campuses hold the item.
- Note that Purchase College students do NOT have reciprocal borrowing privileges or guess access permissions at CUNY campuses but you may request materials from CUNY libraries be shipped to Purchase College Library via Interlibrary Loan.
3. New York Public Library
Any person who lives, works, attends school, or pays property taxes in New York State is eligible for a New York Public Library card (You do not need to live within the five boroughs). This card can be used at most NYPL branches in New York City. In addition to borrowing library materials, your card will let you reserve a computer, download digital media, search hundreds of electronic databases, and more. Note: you cannot check out NYPL materials using your MORE Card; you need to register for a public library card.
4. Westchester County Public Libraries
As a Purchase College student, faculty, or staff member, you can get a Westchester Library System card from either the Purchase Free Library or the Harrison Public Library. You can then use your WLS card at any public library branch in Westchester County to borrow materials and use electronic resources.
5. Obtaining Referrals to Visit Other New York Metropolitan Area Libraries
Purchase College Library can provide referrals for Purchase College students, faculty, and staff to visit other university libraries in the New York metropolitan area. Note that these referrals do not confer borrowing privileges. They also must be used on a specific date. Please contact a reference librarian at (914) 251-6410,, or by stopping by the Reference Desk, to obtain a referral or learn more.
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