How do I find a specific serial publication or periodical?
To see if we have a particular journal, magazine, or newspaper, use the Journals A-Z Search. You can access Journals A-Z by:
a) Going to the Discovery Search box on the Library Homepage and selecting "Journals A-Z" from the dropdown menu.
b) Going directly to the Journals A-Z Search.
Next, search for the name of the journal (e.g., Journal of Abnormal Psychology), magazine (e.g., Newsweek), or newspaper (e.g., Washington Post). Remember, you are looking up the journal title, not the title of an article.
The Journals A-Z search will show you if we have a journal online or in print.
For online access, follow the links to library databases that have the full text of articles from your journal. Choose a database that includes the year(s) you need.
For print access, writing down the call number and location. Unbound print journals are located in the Current Periodicals area and shelved by genre and title (alphabetically). Bound print journals are located in the Main Stacks (either on the lower level or second floor) and shelved by call number.
If we don't have immediate access to what you need, you can request articles through interlibrary loan.
If you have a particular article in mind, you can use our Citation Lookup tool (under Guides & Tools on the Library homepage). Enter as much information as you can, but you don't have to fill out every field.
The most important fields to fill out include: journal title (the Citation Lookup tool will not function without the journal title), year of publication, volume, issue, and article title. See our FAQ on using the Citation Lookup for more help.
To browse for articles on a topic, try one of our subject guides, or an interdisciplinary database, such as Academic Search Complete, ProQuest Research Library, or the Discovery Search. These can be found on the Databases by Title page.
To browse/search for articles in newspapers in our online databases, you can use the Newspapers help guide.
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