Answered By: Darcy Gervasio
Last Updated: Sep 12, 2022     Views: 6114


Blu-ray cases on the shelf.

Checking out films on Blu-ray:

Most of the Library's film collection is in DVD format, however, we also have Blu-rays and are acquiring more all the time.The process of looking up and checking out Blu-rays is the same as checking out a DVD. 

1. Search for a specific film (by title or director):

To find a specific Blu-ray, search the Library Discovery Search.Search by film title, director's name, etc. You can select "Books/Media @ Purchase" as your search scope to narrow your results only to items held at Purchase College Library. The call number tells you whether the film is a Blu-ray, DVD, or VHS. Write down the call number (ex: "Available at Purchase College Popular Film Collection Blu-ray 209"). 

image of catalog record for Wonder Woman on bluray with call number highlighted


2. Or, search for a list of films on Blu-ray 

If you'd like to browse a list of Blu-ray films, go to the Advanced Search within the Library Discovery Search. Select Books/Media @ Purchase as the scope. Type Blu-ray into the search box (include the hyphen). Change "Material Type" to Video/Film. This will retrieve a list of most (but not necessarily all) of our Blu-ray films.


Screenshot of Advanced Search for blu-ray materials in Discovery Search


3. Find Blu-ray case on shelf

Use the call number from the Discovery Search to locate the case on the shelf. Blu-ray cases are shelved numerically in a group between the Academic Film Collection and the Popular Film Collection.

Like DVDs, Blu-rays are arranged by the accession number listed on the spine of the case (aka Call Number). These represent the order in which the Library received a film, and does not solely represent "new releases."  Newly acquired Blu-rays will be at the end of the shelf.

Blu-Ray collection on shelf highlighted.

4. Check out the disc

Bring the case to the Circulation Desk where library staff will give you the disc and check out the film to you.

You can check out headphones from the Circulation Desk as well. We ask that you please use headphones whenever watching a film in the library to avoid disturbing others studying around you.


Watching films on Blu-ray

The Library has a Blu-ray player in one of the viewing rooms in the Media Resource Center (lower level). The viewing rooms also have VHS and DVD players. Please ask library staff at the Circulation Desk for access to a viewing room with a Blu-ray player. Our staff will verify that the room is free and unlock the door for you.

Note: The Library computers (PCs and Macs) are not compatible with Blu-rays.  Blu-rays are not compatible with standard DVD players, but you can usually play DVDs on a Blu-ray player. 

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