Answered By: Darcy Gervasio Last Updated: Aug 13, 2024 Views: 838
Answered By: Darcy Gervasio
Last Updated: Aug 13, 2024 Views: 838
These maps will help you find where in the Library your book is located:
- Map of Main Stacks (Lower Level)
- Map of Art Books Stacks (Second Floor)
- Map of Music Collection Stacks (First Floor)
Most of our books are located in the lower level (basement of the Library). This includes most books with call numbers A- Z. The exceptions are listed below:
- Music Scores with call numbers M7 - M5000 are in the Music Collection on the first floor. Music books (composers' collected works, music theory, etc.) with call numbers M1-M6 and ML-MT are located in the Main Stacks on the lower level.
- Art books starting with the call number 'N,' photography books starting with the call number 'TR,' design books starting with the call number 'TS,' and fashion and textile books starting with the call number 'TT.' All of these books are on the second floor.
- All 'Oversize' and 'Folio Collection' books are on the second floor.
- Popular reading collection books are located on the first floor of the library along the wall to the left of the Reference Desk, on the way to the DMZ.
- Graphic novels and manga are located on the first floor of the library to the left of the Reference Desk. Call numbers in the discovery search are listed as "Popular Reading Collection."
- Reference books starting with the call number 'Ref' are located at the Reference/Information Desk on the first floor.
- Special Collections and Archives are located in the Technical Services area. The Special Collections/Archives are accessible by appointment only. See our Special Collections page and contact Joe Swatski for an appointment ( or 914-251-6411).
- Course Reserves are located at the Circulation Desk. To check out a reserve item, bring the call number and ask Circulation staff for the book.
DVDs, CDs, LPs, and other media:
- DVDs are divided into two collections on the first floor of the Library.
- DVDs with call numbers starting with "Popular Film Collection" begin to the right of the Reference/Information Desk (when you face desk or come down the stairs from Circulation) and then continue to the shelving to the left of the Reference Desk.
- DVDs with call numbers starting with "Academic Film Collection" are located to the right of the Reference/Information Desk. The Academic collection includes films on Reserve.
- To check out a film, find the DVD case on the shelf and bring it to the Circulation Desk to retrieve the disc.
- Blu-Ray films are shelved between the Academic Film Collection and the Popular Film Collection, to the right of the Reference/Information Desk (when you face the desk or come down the stairs from Circulation).
- CDs are shelved in the Music Collection on the first floor. Call numbers start with "Music Collection MUSMC (CD...)" To check out a CD, bring the CD case it to the Circulation Desk to retrieve the disc.
- LPs (vinyl records) are also in the Music Collection on the first floor. Call numbers start with "Music Collection MUSMC (Disc...)" Bring the LP to Circulation to check it out.
- VHS tapes: Ask at the Circulation Desk for access to a film on VHS. Call numbers start with "Circulation Desk (Video-cass...)"
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