Answered By: Rob Scheuering
Last Updated: Aug 13, 2024     Views: 14828

There is wifi (wireless internet) in the Library that both guests and Purchase affiliates can use. Both arewifi logo managed by Campus Technology Services (CTS). There are two wifi networks with the following names:

PurchaseWifi:  Students, faculty, and staff should choose the "PurchaseWifi" network. The username is your Purchase email username (firstname.lastname WITHOUT the @purchase) and the password is your Purchase email password.  You should only have to enter your username and password once to have access.

PurchaseGuest: Guests and visitors to campus should choose the "PurchaseGuest" network.  The password changes regularly. You may text the term "GUEST WIFI" to 914-873-1711 for an automatic reply with the current password. You can also ask a library employee at the Circulation or Reference desks for the current password.

For more info (including the Guest Wifi password), troubleshooting, and detailed info about specific devices and operating systems, go to CTS Knowledge Base page on Purchase Guest Wifi. (You will have to log in with a Purchase username and password).

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