Questions about registering for classes are best answered by the Registrar's Office, located in the Student Services Building.
The Registrar no longer prints a physical course catalog. Instead, the entire College Catalog is available online. This includes descriptions of current, ongoing courses; however the college catalog does not have a timetable of when or where classes meet. The online catalog may not reflect last minute changes or additions.
To see when a class will meet, follow these steps:
- Go directly to the "Course Search" OR go to the Current Students page and click on “Course Search” in the side menu under "Student Resources"
- Select the Term (semester) from the pulldown menu & click "Submit"
- Search for classes by department, title, instructor, day of the week, etc.
- After you make your selections, click on "Search" at the bottom or top of the page.
- The time and days of the class(es) are listed on the results.
- For room locations and detailed descriptions, click on the Title or CRN.