If you know the name of the database you want to use, click on Databases by Title on the library homepage. Next, find your database in the alphabetical list.
If you want to see a list of databases that would be useful for a particular subject or discipline, click on one of the subjects in the "Research by Subject" section in the middle of the library's homepage, or see our list of subject guides here. Subject liaison librarians create these guides and recommend databases for each academic discipline.
Pro Tip: Always go through the library website (or links in this FAQ) to access a database.
If you Google the name of a database (such as JSTOR or ProQuest Research Library), you will be taken directly to the vendor's website and it will not recognize you as a Purchase College affiliate; you will be denied access and may see a log in screen with branding from the database vendor. If you go through Purchase's website, either the Databases by Title page or a subject guide, you'll avoid this problem and gain access to our subscription databases!
For more help, see our video tutorial "What is a Database?"