The Library subscribes to Web of Science (found under Databases by Title), a database that allows you to track the number of times an article or author has been cited. (The Library no longer subscribes to Scopus).
Google Scholar also has a "cited by" feature that can be used to track article citations. Go to Google Scholar Citations. Enter the author's name, then select their publications to run the citation analytics.
Bear in mind that all citation analysis platforms are imperfect and will not capture every time an article was ever cited. It may help to try more than one tool. Newer articles are less likely to have been cited than older ones. Articles published in more "prestigious" or established journals, which have a wider subscription audience, are also more likely to be cited than articles in newer or lesser known (but equally rigorous) peer-reviewed journals. Because of the biases in these technologies, librarians generally discourage using citation analysis and "impact factor" as a metric for faculty tenure reviews and important hiring decisions.